Data Protection Commission welcomes outcome of prosecution proceedings taken against Three Ireland Limited and Vodafone Ireland Limited

07th September 2021

The Data Protection Commission welcomed the outcome of prosecution proceedings that were taken yesterday morning in the Dublin Metropolitan District Court against two prominent telecommunications companies in relation to marketing offences under S.I. 336 of 2011 in the Dublin Metropolitan District Court. ...

DPC launches inquiry into Facebook in relation to a collated dataset of Facebook user personal data made available on the internet

14th April 2021

The Data Protection Commission (DPC) today launched an own-volition inquiry pursuant to section 110 of the Data Protection Act 2018 in relation to multiple international media reports, which highlighted that a collated dataset of Facebook user personal data had been made available on the internet. ...

DPC launches inquiry into processing of personal data by the Department of Health

30th March 2021

The Data Protection Commission (DPC) has launched a statutory inquiry under Section 110 of the Data Protection Act, 2018 arising from the revelations on last Thursday’s Prime Time programme on RTE concerning the processing by the Department of Health of the personal data of children with autism who were involved in legal actions against the State. ...