Report by the DPC on the use of cookies and other tracking technologies

06th April 2020

Revised on 15 April 2020 In August 2019, the Data Protection Commission (DPC) commenced an examination of the use of cookies and similar technologies on a selection of websites across a range of sectors, including media and publishing, the retail sector, restaurants and food ordering services, insurance, sport and leisure and the public sector. ...

Does the GDPR Really Say That? – Attendee Lists and Name Tags

28th February 2020

The misunderstanding that conferences, workshops and events can’t share the details of attendees because of the GDPR is one that many people may have come across. Attendees of workshops, conferences, or events have been told that the organisers couldn’t share an attendance list, or that name plates or badges couldn’t be produced, because the organisers were worried about the GDPR. ...

DPC statement on Facebook Election Day Reminder

27th February 2020

In advance of the recent Irish General Election on 8 February, the Data Protection Commission (DPC) notified Facebook Ireland that the Facebook Election Day Reminder (EDR) feature raised a number of data protection concerns particularly around transparency to users about how personal data is collected when interacting with the feature and subsequently used by Facebook. ...