Audit and Risk Committee

In line with the Corporate Governance Standard for the Civil Service (2015), and also with regard to the Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies (2016), both issued by the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (DPER), the DPC has established its own Audit and Risk Committee, as a Committee of the DPC, effective from 1 January 2020.

The members of the committee are as follows - Conan McKenna (chairperson), Aisling McKeon, Tara McDermott, Michael Horgan and Graham Doyle.

The purpose of the DPC Audit and Risk Committee is to:

  • Review the comprehensiveness of assurances on governance, risk management and the control environment in meeting the Accounting Officer’s assurance needs;
  • Review the reliability and integrity of these assurances;
  • Review the integrity of the financial statements; and
  • Advise the Accounting Officer about how well assurances support her in decision-taking and in discharging accountability obligations.

The DPC Audit and Risk Committee Charter and Terms of Reference (PDF, 578 KB)