DPC publishes guidance on data protection and electoral and canvassing activities
09th October 2018
The Data Protection Commission (DPC) has today published guidance materials on data protection in the context of electoral and canvassing activities.
‘Elections and Canvassing: Data Protection and Electronic Marketing – the Data Protection Rights of Individuals’ will give advice and information to members of the public on their data protection rights when their personal data is being processed for electoral and canvassing activities. Link here
‘Elections and Canvassing: Data Protection and Electronic Marketing’ give advice and information on the responsibilities of those who process personal data for electoral and canvassing activities. Link here
The European Commission has also published guidance on the application of EU data protection law in the electoral context: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/sites/beta-political/files/soteu2018-data-protection-law-electoral-guidance-638_en.pdf
In the coming period, the DPC will be publishing further data protection guidance for elected representatives and the application of the GPDR and the Data Protection Act 2018.”