Large-Scale Inquiries

Diarmuid Goulding was appointed Deputy Commissioner in January 2023, in a role that centres on large-scale inquiries and investigations. Since joining the Data Protection Commission as a Legal Adviser in 2018, Diarmuid has provided legal advice and assistance on large scale inquiries and investigations concerning both cross-border and domestic matters. Diarmuid has also represented the Commission at Expert Subgroups of the European Data Protection Board.

He graduated from University College Cork and Kings Inns, Dublin. Diarmuid was called to the Bar of Ireland in 2008. He practised as a Barrister and later worked in a legal capacity with the Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform, and as a Regulatory Investigator with the Office of the Information Commissioner.

In his current role, he has responsibility for the following at the DPC:
