
Paul McDonagh-Forde is the Irish Data Protection Commission’s Brussels-based Attaché. He leads the DPC’s interactions in Brussels with a wide variety of organisations, including the European Commission, the European Data Protection Board and the European Parliament, as well as civil society organisations and regulated entities that have a presence in Brussels.

Having first joined the DPC as a member of the legal unit in 2019, Paul has advised primarily on large scale cross-border regulation, with a focus both on Irish and EU law, in his capacity as an Irish-qualified barrister. He also has extensive experience of engagement with a variety of expert sub-groups within the European Data Protection Board, including procedures that have given rise to opinions, guidelines and binding decisions.

Paul holds an LL.B from Trinity College Dublin, an LL.M from the University of Edinburgh and a Barrister-at-law degree from the King’s Inns in Dublin. Prior to joining the DPC, Paul worked as a judicial assistant/clerk at the Supreme Court of Ireland.
