Data Protection Considerations Relating to Multi-Unit Developments and Owners’ Management Companies

An increasing proportion of Ireland’s population lives in apartments and houses situated in multi-unit developments (MUDs) and estates having shared spaces and services.  In most cases these common areas and shared facilities are owned and controlled by an owners’ management company (OMC) which is typically a not-for-profit legal structure established for the management of multi-unit developments under the Multi-Unit Developments Act 2011 (the MUDs Act).  The OMC must operate in accordance with the Companies Act 2014 (the Companies Act). 

An OMC sits at the centre of relationships between residents (owner-occupiers and tenants), landlords, and property management agents. OMCs engage with estate stakeholders including social and public housing bodies, professional advisors, and service providers.

OMCs process and transmit data in the exercise of their functions in relation to, for example, property title, financial management, and compliance with various legal obligations.


This guidance sets out general advice on common data protection issues that may arise in the course of interaction between:

  1. OMCs and their members
  2. OMCs, OMC members, and a property management agent
  3. OMCs and third parties

Data Protection Considerations Relating to Multi-Unit Developments and Owners’ Management Companies: Full Guidance Note